Industries We Served
We have successfully created a wide range of satisfied client base with wide range of industries and business organization.
Automobile Industry
SAG Supplies Acetylene, Oxygen, Nitrogen and Argon to the Large numbers automobile and auto ancillary units.
Steel Manufacturing Industry
SAG Supplies Liquid Oxygen, Nitrogen and Argon to the Large steel plants in NCR
Metal Fabrication Industry
SAG supplies gases like Oxygen, Nitrogen, Argon, Carbon Dioxide and other Shielding Gases for welding purposes. User industries include Automobile, Vehicle Chassis, Capital Engineering and Equipment Manufacturers.
Petrochemical Industry
SAG supplies Nitrogen and other gases to petrochemical and refineries for manufacture of Polymers, Plastics and other man made Synthetic materials.
Food & Beverages Industry
SAG supplies Nitrogen and Carbon Dioxide to the Food and Beverages Industry for preservation of Foods, Carbonization of Beverages to Improves their Productivity at low cost .
Pharmaceutical Industry
SAG supplies liquid Nitrogen, gaseous Nitrogen, Hydrogen, Helium and other gaseous products to pharmaceutical industry for the manufacture of medicines and bulk drugs.
Fire Extinguishers
CO2 is used to remove Oxygen from the site of fire, thereby extinguishing the fire and stop it from spreading.